Public Charge


The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has stopped applying the 2019 Public Charge regulation to all pending applications and petitions.


Purchasing Insurance through Covered California and Receiving Financial Assistance to Pay for the Insurance Does Not Make an Individual a “Public Charge”

In general, applying for health insurance coverage through Covered California and receiving financial assistance for a Covered California health plan or receiving low- or no-cost coverage through Medi-Cal, will not make an individual a “public charge." It will not affect the consumer’s immigration status, their chances of becoming a lawful permanent resident or their chances of becoming a naturalized citizen. The exceptions are if the individual receives long-term care in a nursing home or other facility paid for by the government through the Medi-Cal program or does not tell the truth on their application for health coverage.

If you have more questions, please visit the Health Consumer Alliance’s website or call at (888) 804-3536 to speak with a local immigration attorney about the public charge rule. Or visit the Department of Social Services website for a list of community organizations that can provide free, confidential legal assistance related to public charge.

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