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Medi-Cal for Individuals and Families

Depending on your income, you can get free or low-cost health care services.

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Do I qualify?

Go to Shop and Compare to find out or apply now.

What You Get

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Preventive Care

Enjoy free services, like well-baby visits and checkups.

Emergency Services

Ambulance and emergency room services.

Primary Care

Doctor visits for sickness, injuries or other concerns.

Dental and Vision

Teeth cleanings, fillings, eye exams and glasses.

Family Planning

Counseling, screening and family-planning services.

Prescription Coverage

Low-cost or free prescriptions.

Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder

Counseling and treatment are covered.

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medi-cal id card example

You qualified for Medi-Cal. What happens next?

You or your Medi-Cal-eligible family member will receive a benefits identification card (BIC) in the mail. You’ll also receive an informational packet in the mail that explains the available Medi-Cal health plan options in your county and how to enroll.

Edit Tip

You can start using your coverage even before you’ve chosen your Medi-Cal health plan.

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