Contacts for Agents

Agent Service Center
(877) 453-9198 or

Call the Agent Service Center for:

  • General questions and support on Covered California products
  • Agent training and certification
  • Agent sales support

Contact the specific carrier for individual marketplace commission inquiries here>>

Hours of Operation for all Covered California’s Service Centers
Outreach & Sales Field Team Representative by sales area

Contact the Covered California Outreach and Sales Team

Have feedback? The Covered California Sales Team wants to hear. Share your ideas and give us feedback by sending your questions and comments to

View our Contact Us page to learn about the following:

  • Service Center Phone Numbers and Hours
  • Local, In-Person Help
  • Getting Online Help Through Live Chat
  • Contacting Your Local County Human Services Office for Help Related to Medi-Cal
  • Filing an Appeal or a Complaint
  • Serving Legal Notices
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